LOCATION:PRODUCE  ——  Matching reagent for blood analyzer  ——  Mindray BC series

  • Product code
  • Product name
  • spec
  • period of validity
  • 1711020
  • 1711022
  • 1711026
  • 1711023
  • 1711025
  • 1711024
  • 1711029
  • 1711028
  • 1711027
  • 1711010

  • Product code
  • Product name
  • spec
  • period of validity
  • 1711036
  • 1711037
  • 1711038
  • 1711039
  • 1711040
  • 1711010

  • Product code
  • Product name
  • spec
  • period of validity
  • 1711032
  • 1711033
  • 1711034
  • 1711035
  • 1711010

  • Product code
  • Product name
  • spec
  • period of validity
  • 1711041
  • 1711042
  • 1711043
  • 1711089

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